Twin Trawling Fishing Project
The Twin Trawling Fishing Project is an advocacy campaign aimed at
raising awareness and initiating government change on current illegal
fishing practices and unethical fishing laws. The project also includes
economic stabilization initiatives for fishing communities.
Fishing is a fundamental tradition of social and economic life in
coastal communities. For centuries, villages like Cape Debuncha, have
depended on this resource for both food and trade. Fish is a staple of
the Cameroon diet.
Chinese twin trawling boats now fish the coast of Cameroon depleting
resources and competing against local fisherman. China’s advanced
technologies and equipment and increased manpower, put
Cameroonian coastal fisherman at a great disadvantage.
The Twin Trawling Fishing Project has been developed through
collaboration with the Ministry of Fisherman and Livestock,
traditional authorities and local fisherman to educate coastal
communities in sustainable fishing practices while finding alternative