AADA carries out this project in partnership with the National Herbarium Center in Cameroon sponsored by the University of Washington. The objective of this project is to collect samples of dry wood and fresh wood from 10 sites per species of the natural areas of distribution of Pterocarpus erinaceus (Kosso/African Rosewood) and Afzelia Pachyloba (APA/PACHY/WHITE DOUSSIE) along the Cameroon Nigeria border where illegal logging is known to be high.
During the fieldwork, there will be a collection of dry wood and fresh wood from the standing trees and fresh twigs from at least 10 sites in the Adamawa and North regions of Cameroon. Labeling the sample wood samples and georeferencing the collection points in Cameroon. The wood samples collected will be sent to the University of Washington Center for Environmental Forensic Science (CEFS) for analysis. This will contribute to the already-in-place development of the DNA database of target species carried out around the world. it will contribute to the development of sample collection maps of species and their origins. this will contribute to assisting source countries from the timber seizures abroad to locate the origin of the seized timbers.