Empowering women out of poverty through the establishment of a joint business opportunity In partnership with the Community Congregational Church (CCC) and the United States Navy, AADA completed a pilot program focused on empowering women out of poverty through the establishment of a joint business opportunity. In 2009, AADA completed the Blessed Hope Poultry Farm in the town...Read More
Community Leader Talking About Deforestation The Community Environmental Awareness Program (CEAP) seeks to educate the people of the Mamfe community on the destructive affects of smuggling, over hunting and unsustainable consumption of natural resources. Located in the Tafoloka Forest, the Mamfe community has witnessed a huge lose in wildlife and vegetation including trees and medicinal...Read More
Conservation Education in churchenvironmental The Religious Environmental Awareness Program (REAP) raises awareness and understanding of conservation Education in church environmental conservation through the use of religion and faith. Created by the President of AADA, Ayuk Raphael, and Ian Redmond, Chief Consultant for the United Nations Environmental Program, Born Free Goodwill Ambassador for Great Apes the...Read More
Gorilla In The Limbe Wildlife Center Gorilla in the Limbe wildlife center the Wildlife defense Act is an integral part of AADA’s Conservation Education initiatives that include the Religious Environmental Awareness Program (REAP), Community Environmental Awareness Program (CEAP) and School Environmental Awareness Program (SEAP). The Wildlife Defense Act is woven into the above education programs aiming...Read More
Engine For The Development Of Any Society Education in general is supposed to be the engine for the development of any society. Through education people gain not only the knowledge of scientific contents, but also the ability to think for themselves, which means judging what is happening in their environment in a critical way as...Read More
Mangrove Tree The Mangrove Habitat Preservation Project, sensitization campaign The Mangrove habitat preservation project is a sensitization campaign to raise awareness of the importance of resource conservation and the environmental damage associated with the further depletion of the Mangrove tree population. The Project additionally concentrates on educating communities and providing potential alternative resources. The Gulf...Read More
The Twin Trawling Fishing Project, advocacy campaign The Twin Trawling Fishing Project is an advocacy campaign aimed at raising awareness and initiating government change on current illegal fishing practices and unethical fishing laws. The project also includes economic stabilization initiatives for fishing communities. Fishing is a fundamental tradition of social and economic life in coastal...Read More
Farmers in Besongabang Village In Besongabang, the village of origin of AADA near Mamfe in Manyu Division, we are now collaborating with another women’s group to help them set up a poultry farm. The so-registered Petit Petit Women’s Group counts 12 members who all live in this village and do farming. At weekly meetings they...Read More
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